How is Riddell Private Wealth Management different than other financial advisors?

  1. We specialize in retirement and tax planning for people aged 50+. We focused our value delivery, educational development, and planning expertise to those we know we can provide the greatest level of help.
  2. We limit the number of clients we work with. This allows us to provide unparalleled value and highly personalized service to the families that have entrusted us to help them.
  3. IG Wealth Management is a Canadian leading independent financial planning firm. As part of IG Private Wealth Management—a brand within IG Wealth Management that is reserved for an exclusive group of elite financial service entrepreneurs—we provide unequaled access to and support from some of Canada’s greatest specialists in tax planning, estate planning, financial planning, investment management, business succession, family trusts and charitable giving.


Our complimentary 3-Step Process is designed to help you evaluate financial planners to find the one that is the best fit for you. If you think there is a potential fit between your needs and our expertise, the first step is to book a no obligation phone call.